Monday 13 April 2009

02 advertisements

i having been looking at the works of Theory Director Matthew Cullen and his animated peice which was created for the 02 advertisement "we're better connected".
one part of this video i enjoy very much is the continual transition as the camera or the viewer moves along which allows so much to happen within the animation.
the story of the video as stated on "":
Starting with the idea of celebrating connection, the O2 campaign’s launch spot, “Oxygen” features a many-layered aesthetic that compels viewers to actively “read” the imagery as a single panorama, resulting in a new experience with each viewing. Motion Theory directors Mathew Cullen and Grady Hall created the campaign with Rokkit Productions and VCCP London, working together to fuse surreal graphic elements, playful animation, and precisely choreographed live action, shot by Oscar-nominated cinematographer Jack Green. Motion Theory's Kaan Atilla spearheaded the design efforts on the project, while Nick Losq supervised the visual effects and animation teams. The whimsical journey begins underwater with the simplest connection: two points of light that join together to start a chain reaction of positive associations. The spot follows a series of links through the remaining locations, with recurring characters and subtle animations infusing each frame with visual depth. The finale comes at a massive concert where the crowd moves in unison, literally becoming a sea of people. The camera plunges underwater, and the spot ends as it began – with two points of light connecting in the dark.

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